15 February 2010

The Back Roads

While the Pampas is full of large level fields that are square and relatively efficient to farm, one major bottleneck in the system can be the roads. There are some good paved roads but most of the roads are dirt. When the weather is dry, there are fewer problems, except for dust. When the weather is wet, the roads can be very challenging.

One night during the Kentucky farmers' visit, we received 3 inches of rain. The next day was a real adventure getting back to pavement. Our host, Carlos Peretti, led the group in a SUV. The five cars followed. Behind all of us was a tractor and a chain... just in case! We slid, spun and flung mud for about 10 km (maybe a little more). Carlos was an excellent host the entire time and he certainly did a wonderful job of getting us through the mud and to pavement. (I need to do an article just on the hospitality here.) When it was all said and done, we made it through with mud on the cars and a great story to tell. While the muddy roads were fun for us, they are not fun when these fields are ready for harvest.

We quickly understood how easily the entire harvest season could be slowed down by rain. This has been a wet season, so we will see of the rains continue through harvest.
Carlos Peretti led the group to pavement. This would have made a great commercial for Kia SUVs!

Gerry Hayden drove our car and got us through with no problems.

The soil is very deep here, but easily erodible with heavy rains.

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